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But an attractive garden could in fact add thousands to the selling price of your home, while a neglected plot could knock money off.

Studies have shown that a well-kept garden adds up to 20% to your home’s value with 2/5 brits admitting they would not consider a home if they didn’t like its garden.

A lawn, plants and lighting tick all the right boxes, but the key is maintainability. A good garden will draw attention and admiration, but avoid putting potential buyers off due to the man-hours required to maintain it.

So how can you increase the value and appeal of your garden?

First things first, consider who you are selling to.

If it’s a family home, buyers will be looking for a safe place for children to play. Think grassy lawns, trees for shade and a sturdy fence or hedge for privacy and security.

If it’s a city-centre business pad, low maintenance patios or decking will be a focal point for busy professionals.

Secondly, consider your space.

Large gardens can quite easily accommodate multiple features like a patio and seating areas, but small spaces will need more thought. Even the smallest of plots can become a retreat with the right landscaping; think about incorporating curved patio areas or paths which break up the space and create the feel of more room.

Thirdly, consider your kerb appeal. Make the most of space at the front of your house.

Keep wheelie bins neatly stored and out of sight, add potted plants and keep your front lawn mowed and tidy. If you live in an urban area, consider paving to add a driveway.  In cities, it can be worth thousands of pounds a year to not pay for a parking permit.


Lastly, think about the types of plants you choose to grow. It can be hard to strike a balance between maintainability and aesthetic. While some plants may look beautiful, they can require a lot of work which may put off even the most green-thumbed buyer. Play it safe with pretty pots and low maintenance shrubs. Plants that are purported to draw in buyers are sunflowers, hydrangea and sweet-smelling blooms such as lavender, roses and jasmine.